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I know I have been posting about Playboy and natural looking women recently… but this has been on my mind as well.

Here are some green things I have started this year…

1. once a week I put a box of books (I have a TON) out in front of my house with a note that says, “free to a good home” in the hopes that other people will read them and enjoy them and not buy a book for another week. I am also going to only buy used books from now on (thank you gertrudegrannypanties).
2. I am composting!!! Not a lot, but I am. Dryer lint, coffee grinds, veggies and other lil things. I am planning on purchasing some red worms in the spring!!!
3. I work in a big animal hospital and almost daily during my downtime take a pile of paper from our recycling can and cut it in half put the two halves on top of each other to make a neat pile, staple along top in a straight line and make scratch paper pads. Sometimes I write a note with a little doodle on the front and give it to a coworker. They always use them and are always grateful! Martha Stewart had this on her show once and it involved alot more steps and they looked professional.

4. Replaced all the light bulbs with those green energy star ones.

5. Got a space heater for my bedroom and keep the heat for the rest of the house down.

6. Yes I am timing my showers… and brushing my teeth in the shower while rinsing off my shampoo/conditioner.

7. MY BIGGEST CHANGE is that I am cleaning the house with green cleaners and vinegar/water/baking soda/lemon juice. With 3 dogs, a cat a 13 year old and a muddy back yard I clean ALOT!

Got any other easy tips? I am all about the easy!

I live for cleaning lady days. If I could afford it I would have one living here! I love walking in the door to a lemony fresh house sans dog hair! The company I use sort of came with the apartment. And I love them – but if my regular lady doesn’t come I get the dud who doesn’t do even half the job.

So I came home from a somewhat emotionally rough day (thanks Mommy) and was disapointed to smell no lemon. But then it got worse…

1) All my trash cans are back in the wrong place and unlined (one was sitting on the couch).

2) There are 3 dirty dishes in my sink.

3) The TV remotes are NOWHERE to be found.

4) My dogs’ big water bowl is up on the counter and empty.

5) Did I mention the lack of citrus freshness?

6) My couch is cluttered with not only a trash can but all my bags from target that were in my room… Pink baby outfits spilling out where my dogs can jump on them!!! ACK! I guess we will find out if my niece is allergic, huh?

7) The toilet paper didn’t have the cute little fold down my normal lady does. 8(

Yes it could be worse and it is a bit cleaner all around… but after the day I had I hate to spend time straightening up after my freakin house keeper! And my cousin is driving in for the night in a few hours… I would rather be taking a nap.


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